

edited by Ian Gregor
出版情報: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1970
シリーズ名: A Spectrum book ; . Twentieth century views
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction by Ian Gregor
The structure of Wuthering Heights by C.P. Sanger
The Brontës : a centennial observance by Richard Chase
The image of the book in Wuthering Heights by Robert C. McKibben
Charlotte Brontë as a critic of Wuthering Heights by Philip Drew
Control of sympathy in Wuthering Heights by John Hagan
The place of love in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights by Mark Kinkead-Weeke
Charlotte Brontë's "new" Gothic by Robert B. Heilman
Fire and Eyre : Charlotte Brontë's war of earthly elements by David Lodge
Charlotte Brontë, the imagination, and Villette by Andrew D. Hook
The other Emily by Denis Donoghue
Selected bibliography (p. 177-179)
Introduction by Ian Gregor
The structure of Wuthering Heights by C.P. Sanger
The Brontës : a centennial observance by Richard Chase


シャーロット・ブロンテ, パトリック・ブランウェル・ブロンテ, アン・ブロンテ [著] ; 鳥海久義, 野中涼, 森松健介訳
出版情報: 東京 : みすず書房, 1996.10
シリーズ名: ブロンテ全集 ; 10
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