

edited by Norman Sherry
出版情報: London : Macmillan, 1976
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The Conradian voice Albert J. Guerard
Gnawed bones and artless tales ; seating and narrative in Conrad Tony Tanner
Impressionism and symbolism in Heart of darkness Ian Watt
Impressionism limited Elois Knapp Hay
Conrad and Nietzsche Edward W. Said
Conrad and Rousseau: concepts of man and society Zdzislaw Najder
Conrad and Russia Edward Crankshaw
Rhetoric and ideology in Conrad's Under western eyes Andrzej Busza
Speech and writing in Under western eyes Avrom Fleishman
Narrative form in Conrad and Lowry M.C. Bradbrook
On editing Conrad Kenneth W. Davis, David Leon Higdon and Donald W. Rude
Conrad and Pinker Frederick R. Karl
Conrad and the good soldier Thomas Moser
Ford's interpretation of Conrad's technique Ivo Vidan
The problem of language Barbara Kocówna
The true birthplace of Joseph Conrad Ugo Mursia
Conrad's reception in Poland for the last sixty years Adam Gillon
The Conradian voice Albert J. Guerard
Gnawed bones and artless tales ; seating and narrative in Conrad Tony Tanner
Impressionism and symbolism in Heart of darkness Ian Watt


Joseph Conrad ; edited by Thomas Moser
出版情報: New York : Norton, c1968
シリーズ名: Norton critical editions
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