

Maebayashi, Noritaka
出版情報: 北九州市立大学商経論集.  55  pp.25-50,  2020-03.  北九州市立大学経済学会
概要: This study investigates (i) the growth-maximizing, (ii) second-best, and (iii) first-best welfare-maximizing policies when the government produces productive public services using capital and private goods. When the production costs of public services are financed by income tax, the government spending-output ratio exceeds the output elasticity of public services (Pareto-optimal level) under the growth-maximizing or second-best welfare-maximizing policy. This leads to an over-use of resources by the government, over-provision of public services, and under-accumulation of capital in a decentralized economy. Subsidies on private investment, which is increasing in the contribution of publicly employed capital to final goods, can resolve these inefficiencies. 続きを見る


Chowdhury , Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  48  pp.39-69,  2020-12.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: The automobile industry is experiencing a technological revolution with the rise of electric drive vehicles (EDVs), whic h are challenging their internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) counterparts. Due to the problems caused by the gasoline engine on the environment and people, the automotive industry has turned again to the electrical powered vehicle. There is growing environmental awareness, increased innovation, growing consumer acceptance, government support of infrastructure and financial subsidies, and investments by OEMs (original equipment manufacturer), and therefore an increasing demand for EDVs. But there are still many issues with EDVs that need to be resolved in the near future. In addition, EDVs have a promising future, although it’s going to be a long journey to get close to ICEVs, which have existed for more than a century. This study explains how the challenges facing EDVs will be solved and how they will be made sustainable in Asia and the world. The world’s largest EDV auto market is in Asia, specifically China, Japan, South Korea, India and some others southeast Asian countries and regions although the automobile industry worldwide has been providing consumers with a broad range of EDVs, Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), Battery Electric Vehicles (EVs), Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and others. This paper demonstrates some of the advantages and disadvantages of EVs and gives a brief view of the technological development of these cars. 続きを見る


魏, 芳
出版情報: 北九州市立大学商経論集.  56  pp.49-62,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学経済学会
概要: In this note, we reexamine the implications of the separation of ownership and management based on relative performance contracts following the Miller and Pazgal(2005). We show that the strategic subsidization incentive depends on the presence of managerial delegation. We further endogenize the firms' managerial delegation decisions and find that both firms choose not to delegate a manager, and the socially optimum outcome is the result. 続きを見る


Chowdhury, Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  48  pp.23-52,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: Financial scandals in the 21st century in Japan have shown that independent auditing firms do not always fulfill their duties. News headlines of recent years have contained increasingly frequent reports of corporate scandals. Corporate scandals include financial irregularities which are related to the accounting records, falsification of transactions, the misuse of accounting principles and others financial activities. Reducing corporate financial irregularity is an important task, especially given its negative impacts on; production, trust within a corporation, shareholders, the quality of service provision, investment and trade, employees and finally, economies. This research describes the largest financial scandal in recent Japanese corporate history, involving the Nissan Motor Company. According to Nissan, Carlos Ghosn had been systematically under-reporting his earnings to security regulators and misusing company assets for personal benefit. 続きを見る


濱野, 健
出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集.  pp.15-33,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
概要: Through a reflection on the teaching of Cultural Studies in Asia, this paper discusses how the teaching of cultures, par ticularly everyday cultures, is a unique opportunity to improve students’ skills in unlearning our social world. Similar to Western institutions, Asian universities, including those in Japan, face a crisis in the humanities as they deal with the rapid (and even unpredictable) transformation of society in the age of globalization. Meanwhile, while tertiary education has played an increasingly prominent role in the career prospects of younger generations, educational institutions are still far from reinventing themselves and offering programs that address the growing complexity of our world from alternative perspectives by facing the increasing anxiety not only among young people, but also among university students and policy makers. Although instructors must understand and respond to the immediate demand of students to acquire practical skills to deal with the complexities of the world, they are also responsible for teaching them how to deal with wordily issues inclusively rather than use their knowledge exclusively and then reduce their alternatives and possibilities for a better future. Given that liberal arts education in the humanities can be essentially regarded as an art of experience and recognition of the reality of our world with its diversity and differences, the teaching of the humanities can be considered the most precious opportunity for students to realize their own contingent status quo, which would result in the development of their resilience and inclusion in life. Cultural Studies is indeed the latest discipline in the long history of the humanities. Its peculiar methods and theories on critical matters have been surprisingly elaborated over the past decades in response to voices that have been calling for the deconstruction and reconstruction of our social world since the last century. In seeking to understand this immediate progress of Cultural Studies and its growth through disciplinary differentiation as a response of the humanities to our society, this paper debates how teaching Cultural Studies can enable students to obtain specific knowledge and resilience skills to recreate their future by increasing their sense of inclusion and openness beyond borders and territories. 続きを見る


Chowdhury, Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  49  pp.45-83,  2021-10.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: This paper is a study of higher education for human resource development (HRD), how it has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and is being attention through innovative strategies in Japan. The expansion of compulsory education and a rise in high-school and university enrollment rates have contributed to economic growth in the postwar period. HRD is essential to Japan’s national economic plan and policies despite the country’s lack of natural resources. HRD imparts attitudes, knowledge, sensitivities, and skills though education. Educational institutions have well developed, and developing, curriculums, teaching, learning and research which provide (new) employees with everything they need for their careers and life in general. However, the country has been facing and continues to faces several challenges. First, Japan has a declining 18 years old population, and second, is struggling with student recruitment, with nearly 40 percent of universities and colleges being unable to reach their capacities or quotas (teiin), a situation different from that of many other countries. Under these circumstances, the country needs useful and capable human resources with fundamental knowledge and skills who can lead the society. The Japanese government have introduced several reforms to find solutions to tackle these problems. This paper is a study of Japan’s higher education system and a discussion on Education Development, Trends, Issues, Reforms and Innovative Strategies in Education for Human Resources that have surfaced out of the COVID-19 pandemic. 続きを見る


Chowdhury, Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  49  pp.31-55,  2022-03.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: This paper provides an overview of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) situation of the automotive industry in some Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries where enforced lockdowns and social restriction have come with real human costs in the areas of economic development. The COVID-19 state of the ASEAN automobile industry will be explained by putting into global context, including the strategy of beyond COVID-19. In general, COVID-19 has likely to affected the automotive industry in production, markets and supply chain. There is production in ASEAN markets that is mainly based on assembly of imported completely-knocked-down (CKD). The distinct effects of COVID-19 on automobile production, sales and export within the ASEAN region. This paper examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ASEAN in the automotive industry. The goal is to provide a comprehensive view of importance of automobile industry, examine strategies impact on the recent pandemic, and provide a picture of where the industry is headed, particularly in light of the increasing importance of both production and consumption in ASEAN nations. 続きを見る


Wayne E., ARNOLD
出版情報: 北九州市立大学外国語学部紀要.  pp.1-31,  2020-03.  北九州市立大学外国語学部
概要: この論文は、ニューヨークで育った二人の人物、共にフランスで過ごし、生前カリフォルニアに住んだ、Harold Persico Paris (1925-1979)とヘンリー・ミラー(1891-1980)を繋ぐ、一通のファンレターをもとにした談話 をまとめたものである。また重要なのは、芸術に対する非協調主義者的観点をミラーと同じくし、近年までその織物作品が大いに見過ごされてきたHarold Parisについて伝記風に焦点を当てた点である。この研究によって、ファンレターから二人の芸術家、ロスを拠点とするミラーとバークレーを拠点とするParisを結びつけようと試みた。This essay attempts to weave together a narrative from a single piece of fan mail that links two men who grew up in New York City, who both spent time in France, and who then resided in California until their last days: Harold Persico Paris (1925-1979) and Henry Miller (1891-1980). Also important is to biographically spotlight Harold Paris, an artist who paralleled Henry Miller in a nonconformist approach to art and whose textured creations have been drastically overlooked in recent years. With this research, I endeavor to use fan mail to connect the two artists: Miller (based in Los Angeles) and Paris (based in Berkeley). The desired—but unachieved—outcome was to further expand the nexus between southern and northern Californian art scenes in the 1970s, thereby illuminating to a greater extent the extensive reaches of artist interactions. 続きを見る


Reader, Rosemary ; Sameshima, Chiaki ; Yukimaru, Naomi ; Williamson, Rodger ; Creaser, Fiona ; Kihara, Kenichi
出版情報: 北九州市立大学外国語学部紀要.  pp.1-10,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学外国語学部
概要: This paper lays out the fundamental concepts behind the project “Diversity Hub for All” as well as an overview of the ac tion plan to be taken. This will be a hub for the university and the city wherein both can reap the rich benefits that result from inclusivity. This would be open not only to those directly affiliated with the university (staff, students, the members of the new adult college) but also eventually to those that live within the surrounding community adding a greater depth to the pre-existing diversity present on campus. It is hoped that our students can benefit from the opportunity to not only embrace their own personal diversities but also embrace the wide spectrum of diversity that exists among all. 続きを見る


クリーサー, フィオナ ; 雪丸, 尚美
出版情報: 北九州市立大学外国語学部紀要.  pp.11-22,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学外国語学部
概要: The project “Unity in Diversity: Inspiring Future Generations” was born out of the idea of creating a more equitable and inclusive student body within the University of Kitakyushu. The short-term aim of the project is to create a course initially for students of the English Department to teach them about diversity and inclusion, the long-term aim is to open the course to all students in the university. The course is accompanied by a bilingual (English/Japanese) workbook which can be easily adapted to suit all levels of English language ability. In addition to the workbook the authors are creating a pre-teacher training manual for students taking the teacher training course. This article specifically reports the summary of the first year of the project. 続きを見る