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Rodger Steele Williamson
出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.1-11,  2008-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000039/
概要: Before his journey to Japan, Lafcadio Hearn started his career as a journalist in Cincinnati, Ohio where he conducted in -depth studies of various ethnic and minority groups. Historically, this was a very turbulent period after the American Civil War when former African slaves were freed but found themselves on the fringes of a predominately white, racist society. His bitter experiences would lead him away from the United States and as the editor of the Kobe Chronicle he found to courage to speak out. His early journalism led to an appreciation and, more importantly, a desire to point out the distinctive elements of culture that his contemporaries would ignore. His unpublished articles clearly show that this journey started with his days as a reporter in Cincinnati, Ohio. 日本に旅する前に、ラフカディオ・ハーンは南北戦争後の再建で混乱した時期のアメリカで新聞記者をしていた。社会的問題を暴露し、都市の犯罪を報道し、アメリカの無視されているマイノリティを苦しめている社会悪に関して重要な示唆をしている。ハーンは日本で帰化し、神戸クロニクルの編集者となって、シンシナティ時代に、日々以来彼を悩ませていた問題にも取り組むことができた。日本人として、彼は意見を声に出すことに何の制約もなくなった。ハーンの全体的世界観、とりわけシンシナティにおける経験は、今まで本として出版されることがなかった新聞記事にも多くに見られた。 続きを見る


Tsuyoshi OHIRA
出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.103-121,  2009-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000050/
概要: Since the end of the Cold War, many internal conflicts have occurred all over the world. In response to these situations aid donors, including the United Nations, governmental aid organizations, and NGOs have implemented many projects to rebuild war-torn societies. However, some of those projects have resulted in having harmful effects on the process of rebuilding societies. This paper argues that even being started with good intentions, some projects without careful consideration of the post-conflict settings can play a role of dividing a society in the long run. In order to examine this point, this paper focuses on the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina and takes up a Japanese aid project carried out in the education sector. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes that peace-building operations must be implemented based on the long-term perspective in order not to do any harm to a postconflict society. 続きを見る


INDOH Midori
出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.27-43,  2010-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000053/
概要: Enhancing student teacher awareness through actual classroom research has come to prominence in recent language teacher development. In this paper, I have analyzed various classroom interactions that have taken place during Japanese language teaching practice by student teachers. For this purpose, I have examined the scripts taken as records of classroom interactions between the student teacher and the learners in various classroom contexts. I focused on the ‘ questioning and eliciting' aspects of teachers' verbal behavior, answering questions by learners, and ‘ learner-initiated talk and questioning' aspects among the categories of classroom interactions and referred to the problem of classroom rapport. 続きを見る


Midori Indoh ; Keisuke Tanatsugu ; Tomomi Tabuki ; Yayoi Ohji
出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.1-8,  2011-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000058/
概要: Although foreign students who come to Japan are highly motivated to learn the Japanese language, they often meet with great difficulties that set them back. Mastering the reading and writing of the kanji vocabulary seems to present especially great hardships to them. Therefore, it is very important to provide a learning environment that will enable them to engage in serious learning wherever and whenever they wish. For this reason, we decided to develop an online learning program that will motivate and assist self-learners. In this paper, we will discuss the significance of this software system, describe the system's structure, and summarize the program. 続きを見る


出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.9-25,  2011-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000059/
概要: Although declining in recent years, the number of Japanese students studying in the United States every year is still over 20,000. According to Open Doors International, in 2009, 24,264 Japanese students spent time studying for some length of time at an American university (2009). Many of these students participated in a program of a semester of less. Recent research (Dwyer, 2004) has shown that while perhaps longterm programs (a semester or more) have a more significant impact on language growth, most students studying abroad, regardless of length, report increase in intercultural development and personal growth (quoted in Chieffo and Griffiths 2009, pp. 367-368). All study abroad programs can have an impact on a student's life. In the past few years, the University of Kitakyushu (UKK) has been putting a stronger emphasis on English-language learning in an effort to produce more globallyminded citizens. One result of that emphasis has been the implementation of a regular semester-long study abroad program at Tacoma Community College (TCC) in the United States. This program, and the effect on students' lives is the focus of this paper. First, a brief history of the Kitakyushu-Tacoma sister city relationship will be given, along with a description of mutual exchange programs; next, the University of Kitakyushu-Tacoma Community College study abroad program will be covered in detail. This will be followed by student comments on the good points and bad points of this program, as well as reflections on how this program changed them. Lastly, the authors will reflect on the usefulness of this program, and how it can be made better and have a more lasting language and cultural impact on UKK students' lives, helping to shape them into more confident global citizens. 続きを見る


Naohisa Goto
出版情報: 北九州市立大学商経論集 = The Review of business and economics.  43  pp.51-59,  2008-03.  北九州市立大学経済学会
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000093/
概要: I investigate capital movements under capital market imperfections in an endogenously growing economy. According to the classical or standard model of international monetary theory, capital fl ows from rich to poor countries because marginal productivity of capital that equals to interest rate in poor countries is higher than that in rich countries. In the actual world, however, the capital in most of developing countries flows out to the foreign financial market. In this paper, I show that the interest rates depend on the monitoring cost or verification cost which is the cost to verify or to monitor the realized return of borrowers' investment projects. Under then assumption that verification cost depends on the existing capital in an economy, the relation between verifi cation cost and interest rate determines the direction of capital movements. If growth of economy leads to the decreases in the cost of verifi cation,capital in developing countries fl ows out to developed countries. 続きを見る


Jumpei Tanaka
出版情報: 北九州市立大学商経論集 = The Review of business and economics.  43  pp.61-74,  2008-03.  北九州市立大学経済学会
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000094/
概要: The purpose of this paper is to formulate the growth process of asset bubbles which is consistent with actual experience s of bubbles characterized by the emergence, expansion, and sudden crash and to analyze its effects on dynamic aspects of the economy. We show that if we remove the assumption of perfect foresight of all agents from the standard model of rational self-fulfi lling bubbles, such a growth process of bubbles, which we call “non-self-fulfi lling bubbles”, can be formulated. We also investigate the endogenous timing of the crash of non-self-fulfi lling bubbles, growth and welfare effects of them, and a public policy which cuts the duration of the process of non-self-fulfi lling bubbles short. 続きを見る


Daniel C. Strack
出版情報: 北九州市立大学文学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.1-18,  2006.  北九州市立大学文学部
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000124/


Daniel C. Strack
出版情報: 北九州市立大学文学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.53-74,  2007.  北九州市立大学文学部
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000148/


Yumi Terada
出版情報: 北九州市立大学文学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.1-21,  2008.  北九州市立大学文学部
URL: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1077/00000150/