

概要: 本研究は、創造的発展戦略の不可欠な要素である海外経験の豊富な海外在住の中国人材を呼び寄せるためにはどのような方策が求められるのか、また、そのような人材はどのようにして帰国地を選択するのかを数量的に分析しようとする意欲的な研究である。


ハン, リヨウ
概要: 本論文は、地域レベルでのエネルギーの面的利用について、省エネルギー技術(コジェネレーション、再生可能エネルギー、未利用エネルギー、オフライン熱搬送システム等)を街区レベルに適応させ、エネルギー需要密度の高い都市部における省エネルギーと低炭素 化を実現するための計画手法を開発したものである。 続きを見る


Abdul Razak Bin Mohamad Dewa
概要: This dissertation aimed to investigate the Malaysian regional economy through the construction of a multi-regional input-output (MRIO) table based on the 2005 national input-output table.


Magnus So
概要: 本研究は、生物学的排水処理プロセスで多用される生物膜法について、生物膜内外の物質移動と生物反応を数学的に記述することを目的としたものである。


DONG Qianyu
概要: 本研究では、中国における再生可能エネルギーの開発・整備状況を把握し、とくに太陽光発電システムの導入可能性について、SWOT解析等による検討を行った。


概要: 本研究は、生物学的排水処理プロセスにおける微生物の増殖阻害について、その応答を阻害物質の濃度や曝露時間と関連付けて数学的に表現することを目的としたものである。


概要: 本論文ではタイにおける分散型エネルギーシステムの導入可能性を総合的・定量的に評価する研究手法を提案し、その手法を用いて、タイにおける個別建物を対象に、分散型エネルギーシステムの導入のケーススタディを行った。


概要: 本論文は、インドネシア・バンドンを対象地とし、建物の形体とマッシング(形体を変えることによる塊としての建物の変更)が都市の微気候にどのような効果をもたらすかを解析し、都市の微気候の向上を図るための建物形体や配置を検討した研究である。


概要: 本研究は、半導体上に集積されたアナログ・ディジタル・メモリ回路から構成されるミクストシグナルシステムを別の製造プロセスへ移行することをポーティングとして定義し、効率的なポーティングを行うための設計方式と自動回路合成アルゴリズムを提案し、いく つかの典型的な回路に対する設計事例を示し、提案手法の妥当性を立証している。 続きを見る


Sen Li
概要: 本論文では、酸化力・殺菌力が強く、数分間存続する高濃度ヒドロキシルラジカル水の製造方法の開発及びヒドロキシルラジカルの基礎的研究成果について述べたものである。


概要: 本論文は、ガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析法を用いて底質中の半揮発性化学物質を網羅分析する手法開発を研究するもの。


ゴ, ケイ
概要: 本研究では日中建築分野の省エネルギーを促進するため、地域ごと、建物種別ごとに分散型エネルギーシステム導入の最適化モデルと総合評価方法を提案し、日中における気候別都市を対象とし、分散型エネルギーシステムの導入により、建物エネルギー消費の特徴を 分析したものである。 続きを見る


チン, イサオ
概要: 本研究は、65nm以降の半導体微細製造プロセスにおける集積回路において、電力消費の支配的な要因の一つとなる漏れ(リーク)電流を低減する手法を提案している。


ズォン チ ハイン
概要: GC/MS網羅分析法を用いてベトナムの水環境(河川水,底質,地下水)の半揮発性化学物質(1000種)の汚染実態を調査した。その結果,生活排水起源と思われる多数の化学物質による都市河川の著しい汚染が確認された。一方,地下水には汚染が及んでいな かった。 続きを見る


キョ, レンペイ
概要: 建築における分散型エネルギーシステムの環境性・経済性を総合的・定量的に評価する研究手法を提案した。住宅と地域を対象に、太陽光発電、水素燃料電池などの分散型エネルギー導入の効果を分析した。


マ テイ
概要: 本研究は、ハイブリッド触媒を用い、合成ガス(CO+H2)からメタノール合成経由およびフィッシャー・トロプッシュ合成(FTS)経由の二つの経路によるガソリン留分炭化水素の合成を行った。


コン リンシャオ
概要: This thesis can be divided into two major parts: occurrence and risk assessment of persistent organic pollutants(POPs) in foodstuffs and organic micro-pollutants(OMPs) in waters, China. This work investigated the levels and patterns of organochlorine pesticides(OCPs) and 209 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) congeners in food items collected from the Shandong Peninsula. The monitoring of 1300 OMPs in surface waters from Tianjin and Jinan, and groundwater from Tianjin and Beijing was undertaken. 続きを見る


ムハマド ドニー クルニアワン
概要: インドネシア・ジャカルタを対象地とし、都市公園や都市空間等の構造が都市の微気候にどのような効果をもたらすかを解析し、都市の微気候の向上を図るための建物形体や配置を検討した。


ディディット ノヴィアント
概要: 本論文は、アジアの都市における4000以上の家庭に対し、アンケート調査を基に、住宅エネルギー消費に影響力のある要因を調査し、エコハウスにおけるエネルギー消費の現場計測を実施し、さらにシミュレーションにより理論的な研究をすることにより、住宅の ライフスタイルとエネルギー消費の関係を明らかにした研究である。 続きを見る


フリツ アーマド ヌジル
概要: By understanding the walking experience, the importance of walking in sustainable urban development could be comprehended. A tool for urban planning was proposed so that an urban area could be improved to become a walk-able area.


リュウ ボウ
概要: 本論文は,座屈補剛された鋼構造部材の座屈荷重について検討したものであり,簡便な補剛剛性の設計図表および評価式を提案している.


ダミンダ ナディーシャ ヘワビタラネ
概要: A heat engine with applications in automotive waste heat recovery has been developed. It runs on a novel heat cycle known as the S・L・F・B cycle.


ネットウォン パウィースダ
概要: This thesis proposes a new technology-catalytic decarboxylation of waste cooking oil over MgO-based catalyst that overco mes the high quality biodiesel (HiBD) production. The supported MgO catalysts were successfully prepared by incipient wetness impregnation method and tested in an agitated reactor at 430℃ under helium. The effect of support material (γ-Al₂O₃, SiO₂, ZrO₂ and AC) on MgO based catalyst was investigated. All catalysts can convert triglycerides into hydrocarbons in diesel range via two parallel pathway: decarboxylation or subsequent cracking reaction. The effect of the addition of CaO and ZrO₂ on MgO supported on SiO₂ and AC was also studied. The addition of CaO and ZrO₂ significantly improved the catalyst activity and stability which gave lower acid values in comparison to the monometallic supported MgO. The addition of CaO lead to the formation of increased lighter hydrocarbons, whereas the addition of ZrO₂ was found to increase the yield in diesel fraction. 続きを見る


ゴ ヴァン アン
概要: Steam explosion wastewater from bioethanol processing contains high chemical oxygen demand, high soluble total organic carbon, low pH, strong odor and dark brown color which cause serious environmental problems. In this regard, anaerobic biological treatments are also paid attention as the potential processes. However, these process were often inhibited by the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). In this study, irreversible inhibition under very high VFAs in decay stage was examined. In addition, to evaluate the anaerobic biological degradability of organics in steam explosion wastewater generated from bioethanol processing a batch test was conducted to elaborate a reaction map. Along with that, the high-rate anaerobic reactors (fixed-bed reactor and upward anaerobic sludge blanket reactor) were applied to treat steam exposion wastewater in continuous operation. On the other hand, physico-chemical methods (coagulation/flocculation and adsorption) after anaerobic digestion were explored to remove lignin as well as color from the wastewater. 続きを見る


チョウ, トウ
概要: Gully region of Loess Plateau is one of the subtype regions and natural geographical units in Loess Plateau. Based on the investigation documents, the statistical data, and data from field investigation and interviews, this research taking "Tableland" rural habitats in gully regions of Loess Plateau as objects, analyzes the human settlement planning method in "Tableland" rural habitats in a macro level, and base on the climate analyses and software simulation, the importance of space layout types and characteristics of current new countryside construction is analyzed. Combing with the traditional courtyard layout of gully regions in Loess Plateau, the new ecological layout method of vernacular dwelling is put forward. Using the theory of full life cycle, the energy consumption of different residential buildings in life cycle are analyzed in micro level, and the results can be used as bases for further research residential buildings Ecological design method of "Tableland" rural habitats. 続きを見る


ワンバンル タナプーム
概要: Public housing has been providing in Thailand more than 40 years especially Bangkok which lack of research study on how occupants are satisfied their living based on existing physical conditions. Klong Chan Flat Project and Buengkum Baan Eur Arthron, old and new project, were case study to investigate the key public housing improvement based on Post-Occupancy Evaluation through 30 variables on dwelling, building and community aspects. The results showed the important improvement factors including size of living area, cost of management, and security of neighborhood. Then, these factors were more analyzed on specific method to providing a comprehensive program of three aspects as the unique information from which improvements in future housing projects could be made. It enables assist the project owners and relevant public housing stakeholders to prioritize specific actions to identify the ways in improving the quality of life for low-income people in the future. 続きを見る


河本, 恵美
概要: 本論文は、日本と韓国の海上管制官の緊急時における外国船への対応を文化面から比較検証することを目的としている。


劉, 仲明
概要: 本論文では、中国(本土)と香港における日系企業の人事戦略に関する調査・考察に基づいて、中国における日系企業の人事戦略の特徴、地域間・産業間の違いおよびその影響要因を分析する。さらに、こうした分析結果と中国における最近の経営環境の変化を踏まえ 、新しい時代の経営課題に対処できる日系企業のグローバル人事戦略のあり方について提言する。 続きを見る


宮本, 寛子
概要: 本研究は、多糖と核酸医薬が形成する複合体を用いたがんワクチン開発研究である。特に、複合体のサイズ効果に焦点を当てたアジュバントデリバリーの研究をしている。核酸のハイブリダイゼーションからなる架橋点を導入することで細胞取り込みに適したサイズを 検討した。がんワクチンモデルにおいて、高い免疫活性と抗腫瘍効果を示し、がんワクチンのアジュバントとして有効であることを明らかにした。 続きを見る


オウ, ビエン
概要: Rural tourism household was taken as a research subject, and measures were analyzed to improve energy saving and indoor thermal environment of rural residential buildings (including ordinary household and rural tourism household) in three regions in Zhejiang. The study was conducted by a combination of field measurements and simulations. The family and building situation, indoor thermal environment and energy consumption were investigated by field survey. Based on field investigation and measurements, typical buildings were chosen to simulate the indoor thermal environment and energy consumption by improving building envelopes. The results show that indoor thermal environment is poor, especially on top floor; the cooling and heating energy consumption of rural tourism household was higher than ordinary household, especially in summer. The improvement of extrernal wall has the largest single energy saving potential, next is window and airtightness. The building forms, functions and location also have great inference on energy saving. 続きを見る


コー, エンダ
概要: The global energy consumption problem is becoming more and more urgent. Phase change materials (PCMs) in buildings is useful for reducing building energy consumption and improving indoor comfort. So this paper make research on optimization of multi-layer wall termal performance with Phase change materials (PCMs). This phase change range calculation method is got according the heat transfer law, then factors influencing the phase change range of PCMs are analyzed. After that the appropriate phase change range for edifferent wall is selected and the accuracy of the theoretical calculation method of phase change range is verified. At last, the energy conservation of PCMs in multi-layer walls under air conditioning intermittent running mode and continue running mode in China and Japan is researched. Results show that energy saving situation for air condition intermittent running and continue running is completely different. 続きを見る


チョウ, ヨウ
概要: Electricity dynamic pricing represents one of the most significant evolutionary developments in pricing systems as they enable the participation of both consumers and the power supply enterprises. This paper surveyed the development status and challenges of smart grids and dynamic pricing in main driver countries. Meanwhile, it summarizes the results from an exploratory analysis of about 200 households and 50 offices that took part in dynamic price experiment in Kitakyushu, Japan. Based on the above, the effects of dynamic pricing on the cost performance of buildings in present scenario and demand response scenario have been presented. What's more, this paper also gives an analysis and evaluation of electricity dynamic pricing in different buildings which equipped with different energy saving technologies under the condition that if consumers do not well respond to dynamic pricing as anticipated. 続きを見る


ウー, チェン
概要: Energy situation and ecological environment has been a crucial issue in China's rural areas. As a low-cost and effective way, passive energy efficient technology was put forward to be promoted in rural residences by China's government. In this theses, the rural area of Hangzhou city, was taken as a case study. An experimental house adapt to Hangzhou climate and rural house style was designed by simulating optimization and then constructed after that. Through the methods of field experiment, the effectiveness of passive energy efficient technologies was evaluated in winter and summer time, and the thermal performance were further investigated and improved by simulation.From the results of this study, the research methods including design optimization, experiment and simulation can be as a reference for architects and engineers. Then, the passive design for the building envelope was proved effective under Hangzhou climate conditions. Finally, the improved structure of Trombe wall heating system can be used for reference in the other new rural house design. 続きを見る


グェン ズン クアン チャン
概要: An method to identify the wastewater composition from biological responses in activated sludge reactors. From the field experiment, the municipal wastewater constituents and concentrations were calculated to demonstrate the back-calculation approach. The labor intensity of the analysis was also comparatively discussed to that of the conventional wastewater sampling/ analysis method Low-cost biological treatment like bio-filter/ trickling filter reactor can be modelled and optimized with a novel design. The process responses of a pilot-scale trickling filter reactor were investigated by changing the hydraulic loadings and analyzed in laboratory. The liquid hold-up in the reactor, which was thought to be correlated with the wetted surface area was especially focused on. A dynamic simulation was also performed to discuss influential kinetic parameters on the calculation. 続きを見る


チャウ, ティー カム ホン
概要: This thesis can be divided into two major parts: 1) Development of a comprehensive screening method for 311 LC-MS-amenable organic chemicals with a wide range of physicochemical properties (log Pow: -2.2-8.53) using a combination of solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. First, method optimization using 128 pesticides revealed that tandem extraction with styrene-divinylbenzene polymer and activated carbon solid-phase extraction cartridges and setting sample water pH 7.0 provided the highest recovery. The following Spike recovery test of 190 model compounds using reagent water and sewage treatment plant effluents proved this method could be applied to wastewater. 2) Application the new method to monitor organic micro-pollutants in the aquatic environment in Vietnam. The results show that many pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals were detected at high concentrations in the Vietnamese rivers and it became obvious that some detected chemicals could effect on aquatic ecosystems. 続きを見る


チン, イ
概要: In Chapter one, research background and significance is investigated. In addition, previous studies and current situation in the research fields was reviewed and discussed. In Chapter two, an in-depth review of prior studies associated with the research topic was conducted. The literature review was carried out from three aspects: urbanization and eco-environment evalution and coordination, urban sprawl assessment and urban heat island investigation. In Chapter three, maximum entropy method was applied to help generate the evaluation system of eco-environment level and urbanization level at provincial scale. Comparison analysis and coordinate analysis was carried through to assess the development of urbanization and eco-environment as well as the balance and health degree of the city develops. In Chapter four, DMSP/OLS stable nighttime light dataset was used to measure and assess the urban dynamics from the extraction of built up area. Urban sprawl was evaluated by analyzing the landscape metrics which provided general understanding of the urban sprawl and distribution pattern characteristics could be got from the evaluation. In Chapter five, the investigation of surface urban heat island effects in Beijing city which derive from land surface temperature retrieval from remote sensing data of Landsat TM was carried out. In addition, spatial correlation and relationship between the urbanization level, vegetation coverage and surface urban heat island was carried out in this chapter. In Chapter six, all the works have been summarized and a conclusion of whole thesis is deduced. 続きを見る


ミヤ リズキニヤ
概要: This study aims to generalize color line to M-dimensional spectral line feature (M>3) and introduce methods for denoising and unmixing of hyperspectral images based on the spectral linearity.For denoising, we propose a local spectral component decomposition method based on the spectral line. We first calculate the spectral line of an M-channel image, then using the line, we decompose the image into three components: a single M-channel image and two gray-scale images. By virtue of the decomposition, the noise is concentrated on the two images, thus the algorithm needs to denoise only two grayscale images, regardless of the number of channels. For unmixing, we propose an algorithm that exploits the low-rank local abundance by applying the unclear norm to the abundance matrix for local regions of spatial and abundance domains. In optimization problem, the local abundance regularizer is collaborated with the L2, 1 norm and the total variation. 続きを見る


インドリヤニ ラフマン
概要: インドネシアでは近年、急速な経済成長と都市化の進展、インフラ整備の遅れから、廃棄物問題が深刻化している。河川等への不法投棄、貧困層によるごみのピックアップ等の社会問題などの二次的問題も引き起こしており、公的な廃棄物管理とともに、コミュニティ ベースの資源ごみ収集体制が注目されている。環境教育については、学校に対する評価・認証システムを独自に構築しているが、十分に効果が上がっているとは言い難い状況にある。このような中、本研究は、コミュニティベースの廃棄物管理システムに焦点を当て、その活動に関わるスタッフや住民の意識構造を明らかにした。また、参加意識と行動を向上させるための教育に対して、PBL (problem-based learning) 型環境教育の試行とその効果を分析した。本論文は上記にかかる研究成果を取りまとめたものである。 続きを見る


ウ, ケイホウ
概要: Chapter 1, Introduction. The origin, research background and method of this project are introduced and the practical significance of major research findings is summarized.Chapter 2, Investigation of wall insulation systems in the hot summer and cold winter zone. This chapter provides a realistic basis for the whole dissertation. It mainly expounds the investigation findings of self-insulation wall.Chapter 3, Experimental research on thermal performance of common wall materials in the hot summer and cold winter zone. The chapter elaborates the experiments on the thermal performance of common wall materials in the hot summer and cold winter zone. The performance, advantage and disadvantage were studied in detail by the finite element method.Chapter 4, Theoretical research on self-insulation system in hot summer and cold winter areas. This chapter provides systematic analysis and study on the theory and numerical computation of self-insulation system in the hot summer and cold winter zone to clarify the basic principles of heat transfer in the self-insulation wall.Chapter 5, Calculation, analysis and field measurement of pilot project. Identifies three most economical and effective key compositions of self-insulation wall. Pilot project was conducted and the three key compositions was examined through computational analysis and field testing.Chapter 6, Conclusion and outlook. Concludes the whole dissertation. 続きを見る


ドイル, シェーン
概要: 本論文では、日本人の学生の第二言語習得、特にEFL (注:外国語としての英語)の習得過程におけるディスレクシア(読み書きの障害)の問題を探求したものである。


グエン ホアン, チュン ヒエウ
概要: Auxin and water are two important factors for the growth of plant cells, particularly for the cell expansion. In the natural environment, plants frequently sense and respond to the environmental changes, by altering the level of auxin and water status. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the increase in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]) are key mediators of the plant responses to various stimuli. In the present study, the coordination between ROS and Ca2+ signaling under cell-expanding conditions in plant cells were investigated; specifically, a study on the cell responses to exogenous auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA) was conducted in transgenic rice cells harboring protein-based Ca2+ indicator (aequorin) in cytosol, whereas, a study on the cell responses to Hypo-OS was conducted in two transgenic tabacco (BY-2) cells expressing the aequorin gene in either cytosol or nucleus. 続きを見る


バヤスガラン, バトジャルガル
概要: An accurate and comprehensive emission inventory helps governments to make quantitative assessments of the source contributions to air quality, adopt effective strategies with regard to air pollution, develop and implement effective policies that reduce emissions and enables them to plan cost-effective strategies. The emission inventory in main roads was prepared, the vehicle emission prediction dynamic model was developed and the effectiveness of some countermeasures as applying the new gas exhaust standard and using fuel additives was assessed. The vehicle emission prediction model was developed from 2015 to 2040, using system dynamics which is a methodology for studying and managing complex systems that change over time. The HDVs and vehicles in service for more than 10 years accounted for a significant proportion of the total pollution. In comparing 2015 with 2040, the total vehicle population was increased by 3.9 times, the total vehicle emission level was increased by 4.3 times. 続きを見る


ハリス, ムルワディ
概要: This study aims to identify an evaluation model of campus sidewalks, to determine the correlation characteristics between student profiles and activities, to understand the importance of students' perception toward campus sidewalks, and to assess the level of student satisfaction and the factors that influence campus sidewalks. The combined method is used sequentially (i.e., qualitative and quantitative). Thus, the method of collecting and analyzing the data is adjusted in the order. This study found a model of evaluation that consists of five dimensions: quality, design, safety, sensory, and amenities. Second, the transportation mode profile affects student activities. Third, fourteen dominant variables that the students consider important. Fourth, six variables that did not significantly satisfy the students, namely, periodic maintenance, completeness of supporting tools for people with disability, the width of sidewalks, safety from traffic accidents, adequacy of lights at night, and availability of a zebra crossing. 続きを見る


概要: This study aims to investigate the possibilities of using Twitter social media data as a source of knowledge for urban planning application. The author analyses 211,922 check-ins on Twitter. The dataset was utilized to analyses people's movement by comparing the population on Twitter with the real urban population. Three data sources used: check-ins, population census, and questionnaire data. Secondly, with a mapping approach was used to study the dynamic urban land-use pattern by combining check-in features and individual text-posting activities. Thirdly, using a grid based on an aggregation method to analyze the city center's location. Fourth, quantified the mobility of urban inhabitants by examining individuals' movement patterns and calculated how far people travel in the city. Lastly, analyzed the social media users in the public spaces and public facilities. The thesis concludes that location based social media has great potential for helping understand the shape and structure of a city. 続きを見る


マ, チェンソン
概要: In the thesis, we conducted an actual survey to understand the situation of heat utilization of the air channel and used numerical simulations to examine the effective method of heat utilization of the air channel. The experimental work introduced here mainly focuses on the analysis of the performance of the sunspace, when the air is sent to the central air conditioning room from the air channel of the sunspace. The sunspace is located on the south side of the house with a central HVAC system. We ran numerical simulations using THERB for HAM software to investigate effective methods of using the heat from inside the air channel (sunspace, DSF and Trombe wall), as well as possible structural improvements. We also conducted the energy performance comparison between a sunspace, double skin facade and Trombe wall. 続きを見る


リ, ガンガク
概要: Modelling and optimization of sustainable power system and energy network are becoming complex engineering. Demand side resources also need to be planned considering characteristics of district energy supply scenario. This research first analyzes the feasibility of VPP based on scenario of Chongming Island. VPP focuses on expansion of renewable energy and upgrade of efficient appliances, results verify the effectiveness of the VPP concept. Then investigates the techno-economic viability of high variable renewable integration. PV-PHS dispatch scenarious are carried out with constraints, PHS effectively recovers the suppression and decreases the PV power levelized cost. Introduction PV-PHS shifts merit order curve to right, decreasing power generating cost. Thirdly, cost and environmental benefits of optimal designed decentralized energy systems were investigated. Scheduled distributed energy resources could be optimized to benefit the public grid. Performance of dynamic price is investigated based on the social demonstration project experiment. Finally, the conclusions are provided. 続きを見る


チョウ, ライ
概要: Circulation economy is the inevitable choice of industrialization because of improving the economic efficiency and reducing resource consumption, can fundamentally solve the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection. The general evaluation of circular economy can be conducted from city level, industrial-park level, and enterprise level. However, the researches on the enterprise level and industrial park level are relatively few, and a unified standard system framework is not yet to be formed. In this study, the circular economy was evaluated for enterprises and eco-industrial parks. The AHP method and the expert consultation questionnaire method are used to establish their respective evaluation index systems and the weights of each index. An eco-industrial park (TEDA) and an enterprise (Tianjin SDIC power plant) as the example, their circular economy levels were conducted the comprehensive evaluation respectively according to established evaluation index systems. The results show that the established evaluation index systems have a good performance. 続きを見る


カン, チメイ
概要: In this thesis 3D modelling of flow through spacer filled narrow channels is carried out using CFD package ANSYS CFX to investigate the impact of feed spacer filament on shear stress exerted on membrane surfaces and pressure drop, which two kinds of feed spacers were designed to improve flow pattern. To lower the obstacle effect from the feed spacer in the SWM feed channel, the support from the high porosity of the pillar-like with a small filament diameter was indispensable. The pillar-like feed spacer was introduced as a new template to manipulate energy consumption. To achieve enhanced mixing, the arc-like spacer was designed as the transversal filament from the upper membrane to the lower membrane. Reduction of the shadow zone behind the transversal filament was realized with the arched filament and the potential for mixing reached to the close vicinity of the filament. 続きを見る


ルンパンサ, ノイチャン
概要: Bangkok is facing a transportation problem, the existing affordable mass transit station in term of transit node stations had been placed to investigate and review. The three mass transit node's stations, Mo Chit station, Victory Monument station, and Saphan Taksin station was investigated based on passenger evaluation and compared transit performance in difference aspects. Gathering information of three stations by questionnaire and field survey were analyzed with statistical method approach. 46 variables associated with service, safety, environment, accessibility, operation, and facilities. The results provide unique information from which improvements in future mass transit node projects could be made. The results of research into the influenced factors of case study may assist the authorities of public transit to prioritize specific actions, also enables analytical platform of in-depth mass transit node study to identify the way in improving the quality of transit for passengers through convenient access and service condition. 続きを見る


伊藤, 友輔
概要: Edge and cloud computing is expected as a novel network architecture for supporting people’s daily lives and work. In ed ge and cloud computing, users expect to receive a wide variety of services with different requirements in terms of transmission rates on various locations, so there are some important issues regarding efficient service provision to meet user requirements independently of their locations: (1) fair service provision in cloud computing, (2) service provision according to user requirements in edge computing, and (3) efficient transmission in edge and cloud computing. In this study, I propose efficient schemes to allocate and use network resources among flows to solve these issues in edge and cloud computing and show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes through simulation evaluations. 続きを見る


佐当, 百合野
概要: The growth of the Internet has led to provide a wide variety of network services such as multimedia services, e-commerce, online banking and trading, social network services, and online games. TCP is still commonly used as reliable data-transmission protocol although network environment for such services has significantly changed as described above. However, TCP has an essential problem to provide real-time and delay-sensitive services, by "reactive" control to recover lost packet. To prevent this problem, the number of retransmissions must be kept as low as possible. One efficient way to prevent packet losses by "proactive" control is to apply a technology called "forward error correction" (FEC). This study aimed to improve TCP performance for real-time and delay-sensitive services. To achieve this, I proposed schemes to apply FEC to the entire TCP operation. The effectiveness of the proposed schemes was demonstrated through simulation evaluations. 続きを見る


ト, ゴック タン
概要: The research firstly provides a review on key policy, exercise program and government structures on Vietnamese emergency management. Then, environmental hazards related to port activities are identified that facilitate to choose emergency exercise topics. Methods on exercise design and evaluation are developed for better understanding issues of communication through table-top and functional exercise. These methods have been applied for several case studies in Haiphong city, Vietnam (oil spill and fire accident at port, rescue at hospital, fire at chemical warehouse), and Kitakyushu city, Japan (medical service in earthquake). As results, communication structures among stakeholders are visualized and clearly defined in table-top excised. Use of time element for functional exercise provides quantitative evidences for capturing communication issues and providing clues for improvement. The research is expected to be useful material for emergency managers to enhance communication in emergency management 続きを見る


ハフィズ, カイル
概要: Waste management is still a serious issue in developing countries including Indonesia. Indonesia’s Law 18/2008 on Waste Management mandated the need for a paradigm change in waste management. The Government encourages the growth of solid waste banks nationwide. Adopting a bank system, the solid waste bank is a community-based activity to facilitate people in solid waste recycling. With this system, the community deposits waste and earns money. Medan is one of the big cities in Indonesia that is currently working on improving its solid waste management system. This research was conducted to study waste bank activities as a part of municipal solid waste management in Medan City. This research aims to provide the current situation of municipal solid waste management in Medan, its generation and the composition of HW, to investigate the waste bank activities and its material flows and to evaluate the environment and the economy of waste bank activities. 続きを見る


ジャン, キンメイ
概要: The Distributed Energy Resource (DER) system is a complex and repairable system with the power generation, energy conversion and energy management. Maintenance management and reliability are the key factors of an equipment or a system to make the system complete the function within a production period. If the maintenance management resources are insufficient or the maintenance strategy is unreasonable, it may cause equipment or system failure; if the maintenance management resources are excessive, it can result the waste of cost. Therefore, this research focus on the maintenance management and reliability analysis of DER system. In this thesis, two new reliability importance indices are developed for the maintenance prioritization analysis of a DER system; and a model for reliability and cost analysis of non-redundant and redundant design in a DER system is developed and evaluated. This result can provide valuable reference for the design and maintenance management of the CCHP system. 続きを見る


ス, イン
概要: Water security is widely recognized as an important and increasingly urgent challenge in policy and academic circles. It is necessary to integrate water quantity, water quality, water disaster, and economic-societal factor. This thesis focuses on simulation and evaluation of water security with the methodologies of ecological footprint and system dynamics and develops some feasible and scientific research tools for evaluating the issues of water scarcity, water pollution, and water damage and contributing to water management. Firstly, by studying the previous researches, water security is divided into three pillars i. e. water resources security, water environment security, and water disaster security. Then three pillars are investigated respectively. For further research, we also do a comprehensive research by integrating the three pillars. Finally, a system dynamics model of water security is developed to analyze and predict the future trends in different scenarios. 続きを見る


チ, ファンアイ
概要: The research results indicate that (1) Optimum building azimuth: the three building azimuth intervals with the highest energy saving potentials were observed for S, S-E20 and S-E40 in sequence. (2) Optimum shading depths recommended for each building azimuth interval: the recommended shading depths for S and S-E 20 are 1.37 m and 1.62 m respectively, and those for S-E 40, S-E 60, S-E 80, S-W 20 and S-W 40 are all 2.12 m, as well as those for the other 11 BAs are all 2.37 m. (3) Optimum window-to-wall ratios recommended for each building azimuth interval: the recommended window-to-wall ratios for 18 building azimuth intervals are all 0.2. (4) Optimum wall construction type recommended for each building azimuth interval: the recommended wall construction type for 18 building azimuth intervals are all the vented cavity wall with increased outer layer thickness. 続きを見る


チョウ, リュウ
概要: Urban heat island is one of the most notorious climate features of urbanization, and is becoming a serious environmental problem of Beijing. To help alleviate this problem, several techniques have been proposed. In order to counterbalance the effects of urban climate warming, some mitigation and adaptation techniques have been proposed and tested, while policy makers need more evidence with regard to the economic value of these techniques in mitigating the urban heat island effect. This research employed the contingent valuation method, a commonly used non-market value evaluation method, to assess Beijing residents’ willingness to pay for the urban heat island mitigation strategies, which is the green roof, the cool roof, and the permeable pavement. In addition, residents’ motivations for paying for urban heat island mitigation were explored. 続きを見る


マ, ケン
概要: With the rapid development of urbanization, global warming and urban heat island (UHI) effect have attracted our attention day by day. The extreme climate may lead to an increase in heat stress, causing not only financial damage but also threating to public health and safety. The pedestrian block plays an important role in humans' daily life which is not only a symbol of a city but also a significant factor affecting local tourism income. Therefore, the humans' requirement about the climate condition is of high importance for architects and urban planners. In this study on-site measurement and numerical simulation are conducted to evaluate humans' thermal sensation in hot summer. This study investigates the thermal comfort conditions in microclimate of different blocks and put forward some suggestion for the tourists determine the best time to visit, also help managers choose their business hours. 続きを見る


イダ バグス, イルハム マリク
概要: The study was conducted in 15 cities in Indonesia which are included in the metropolitan category. The cities are Padang, Pekanbaru, Batam, Palembang, Bandarlampung, Serang, South Tangerang, Bogor, Tasikmalaya, Malang, Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Samarinda, and Manado. They have a population between 500,000 - 1,500,000 people. This study is about population growth and its impact on several things namely population growth pattern, density distribution, population structure, spatial shape change and land use change. Population growth impacts all of these issues. Some cities show very large change in the population up to 1,600 percent. However, there is a population change that is less than 50 percent. Changes in population have an impact on city change on all issues. The ability of city managers to manage cities is very influential in the change in the shape of urban space. 続きを見る


デディ アブドゥル, ハディ
概要: Preferential tariff is the special import tariff rate lower than normal rate. By using the Input-Output (IO) Analysis, and the data of the 2010 IO Table, the paper analyses the impact of preferential tariff applied under temporary import procedure and FTA scheme. The study focuses on Electronic products due to potential damage caused to the environment. The result shows that the volume of import will be increasing, and the business of warehouse and transportation; and leasing are growing, while cost of waste management is reducing. The implementation of preferential tariff under FTA scheme has boosted economic growth but has caused significant additional CO2 released to the earth, mainly from agricultural sector (1,760,745.61 tons) followed by manufacturing sector (1,480,083.5). Furthermore, by changing the final demand in the IO table, it shows cost of waste management sector is growing significant from IDR 405,263 million to IDR 7,338,441 million. 続きを見る


グェン, テ アン
概要: In this thesis, we conducted a simulation for lamella settling tanks to assess the effect of the increased settling area due to inclined plates on the efficiency of sediment removal in tanks. Simulation results are used to build the relationship between the increased settling area and the increased capacity of the clarifier. This study also carried out a simulation of sedimentation tanks with increasing settling area by increasing the number of inclined plates or increasing width or increasing length. Research results help to optimize the design of sedimentation tanks to achieve the desired sediment removal efficiency. From this result, it is possible to evaluate the difference between simulation results by CFD model and theoretical method. For secondary settling tanks, the study introduced a new concept for simulation of sediment in sedimentation tanks. 続きを見る


概要: Place branding refers to the development of brands for geographical locations. City of Bandung Indonesia has its own approach to build city's image. This city creates its image trough the development of public city parks to the thematic park concept. The provision of thematic park become a key attraction at the city service scale and provide entertainment and recreation for urban communities through their new physical design and attractive facilities. Therefore, assessments on the perceptions of parks' visitors are needed to determine if the parks are well-known to the wider community. The assessment can also be utilized to measure to what extent the influence of thematic parks for place branding. Social networks data by online reviews is used to identify whether a certain branding is successful or not by looking at the user's opinion. The aims of this study are to investigate parks visitors' perceptions using social networks data to develop place branding and to evaluate if the existing parks correlates to other determinant factors in the place branding. Study found that, social network data shows great promise in assessing visitors' perceptions. Assessments provide an overview of the attractiveness of thematic parks and how they are known to wider community as a type of place branding for the city of Bandung. 続きを見る


ショウ, インキ
概要: Green building, as a solution to address the current energy and environment issues, has developed twenty years. It has a majority of achievement but are still facing many barriers and challenges. This paper analyzes the shortcomings and misunderstandings in the development of green building and puts forward some reasonable suggestions. The impact of insulation and ventilation improvements on energy consumption of green building in different climate zones were detailed investigated. A systematic literature review was provided at first. Then the relationship among climate, building energy standard and green building standard were summarized. With the basic analysis of current green building development and climate, an evaluation on how climate effect the building energy consumption were provided. The conclusion gave two latitude area appropriate green building design strategies. This research aims to provide a development roadmap for government, companies and other stakeholders. 続きを見る


チョウ, コウデン
概要: This dissertation would be conducted in Hangzhou city of subtropical zoon, analysis the green roof market by divers, motivations, barriers is to complement and promote green roof research, furthermore, analysis the green roof market by different area, age group and gender in China. Then, through two studies of numerical simulation, outdoor thermal environment of green roof is improved by building morphologies and green-roof configurations in different scenarios. Lastly, near-surface thermal performance of green roof and virginally reveal its thermal characteristics in different weather and period. 続きを見る


ムン, ジョンイ
概要: The separation and recovery of rare metals using solvent impregnated resin (SIR) was investigated. In the first chapter, separation of platinum group metals from spent automobile catalyst was evaluated using SIRs prepared with di-n-hexylamine (DHA) and dihexyl sulfide (DHS). Sequential column chromatography was also performed using DHS-SIR to separate Pt, followed by DHA-SIR to separate Pd, while elution for both metals were conducted separately. Metallic Pt was then obtained from the eluent of sequential chromatography system by simultaneous precipitation and reduction of Pt which was confirmed to be 99.2% purity. In the second and third chapters, separation of Sc and Y was investigated using SIRs prepared with bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid (Cyanex 272) and Versatic acid 10 (VA10). Prior to separation of Sc and Y with SIRs, solvent extraction was conducted. 1-Octanol was added as a modifier to enhance stripping yield. Separation of Sc and Y using SIRs prepared with Cyanex 272 and VA10 was then employed to both batch and column experiments to demonstrate the adsorption ability and elution yield of Sc and Y. 続きを見る


リ, シンチン
概要: A growing body of research has investigated the theory and practice of campus planning and architecture design. However, the research of post-occupancy evaluation by students has gained very limited attention. In China, the focus of a sustainable and optimized green campus has emerged and improving the accessibility and attractiveness is a control determining. Therefore, this study, taking cases (Yijin campus, questionnaire among 590 students; YWICC campus, survey of 1,412 students), aims to explore and better understand students' usage conditions, perceptions, demands about campus public green and main building spaces, through field observations, post-occupancy evaluation by students and accessibility analysis based on Space syntax theory. In the conclusions, suggestions are made about how to fulfill students' requirements and improve the attractiveness and accessibility of campus spaces so that they may inform to the growth of emerging universities in other cities and countries undergoing campus construction climax. 続きを見る


ドアン ティ, ホン ヴァン
概要: Alpha mangostin (MGS) is a natural xanthonoid compound isolated from a tropical fruit named Mangosteen. It is highly expected as a candidate of anticancer drugs. However, its highly hydrophobic and small molecule limit on applying clinical use. To use MGS in practice, it is needed to develop a suitable drug delivery system. Cyclodextrins (CDs) are biocompatible molecules approved by FDA as the material that can be injected into the human body and have already been used for a long time. The main advantage of CD comes from its hydrophilic exterior and hydrophobic interior of cavity. Thus, CD can encapsulate hydrophobic compounds like MGS to from complex, then that complex can stay in aqueous solution. The aim of thesis is to establish CD-based nanoparticles (CDNPs) for purpose of delivering MGS effectively in cancer treatment. CDNPs were prepared by use of polyaddition reaction with epichlorohydrin. Particle properties of CDNPs were controlled by changing weight ratio of the composition in reaction. Our CDNPs have a great loading ratio of MGS in comparison with native CDs. Additionally, CDNPs containing MGS has anticancer effect on both in vitro and in vivo experiment. 続きを見る


ファン ティ, キィウ チャン
概要: In this research, it was made clear that α-Mangostin presented its diversified biological functions, it was not only fou nd with anti-cancer, but also has other effects with different cell types. The anti-metastasis of α-Mangostin has been found in several researches on cancer cells, but in this study, I found that α-Mangostin also had positive effect on normal cells which were surrounded cancer cells. This finding is important to optimize the conditions of this compound as a chemotherapeutic and chemopreventive agent for cancer treatment. In addition, α-Mangostin changed the mechanical properties which has been proposed to participate in regulation of cell state and fate. The mechanical properies is also play important role in leukocytes, α-Mangostin reduced the cell stiffness followed by induced the cell adhesion and activated leukocytes. These results contribute to complete the whole picture of the biological function of α-Mangostin, and these functions of α-Mangostin are useful for studies on the potential pharmacological principles as well as the preclinical applications of the α-Mangostin. 続きを見る


イシ, シンウ
概要: This study introduced a new pedagogical approach that is reliant on the principles of robotic tectonics and is defined through linear development in four distinct and developmental stages of Parametric Design, Cross-date Simulation, Robotic Applications and Robotic Constructon. 続きを見る


セン, ボンエツ
概要: This study proposed the introduction of carbon tax to highlight the characteristics of zero carbon emission of hydrogen energy, and to transfer the environmental advantages of hydrogen energy into economic benefits. The economic benefits of hydrogen energy system and conventional energy system were analyzed from the three levels of equipment, system, and region. Equipment prices and carbon tax levels by 2030 will make hydrogen energy equipment market competitive without relying on policy support. Compared with V2G system, FCV2G system has larger schedulable space, which can make this technology more fully utilized. RDHES is more adaptable to photovoltaics. With the continuous promotion of distributed photovoltaic systems, RDHES will become the mainstream of distributed energy systems. As the penetration rate of renewable energy continues to rise, it will gradually become the main energy storage technology. With the help of hydrogen energy, countries will also achieve their respective emission reduction goals more efficiently. 続きを見る


チョウ, コウソ
概要: The propose of this study intend to make a step forward the understanding of cities with their spatiotemporal dynamics and central-peripheral effects as the organism metabolism for the model-based built environment and socio-economic activities matching. Especially focus the self-organized formation process existed in pre-industrial East Asia cities with their historical form patterns as empirical evidence. And configuring the correlation between human action manifolded land consumption probability and statistical urban patterns quantity of non-fossil energy drives human settlement state. Additionally, the author purposed a simple mechanism to reproduce those cities expansion and growth of its organism evolution from historical order of relatively equilibrium to contemporary disorder of system complexity. The research approach is divided into two stages, namely, the pre-industrial city formation process simulates with East Asian cities model of their intact city boundaries and structure laws; the contemporary urban aggregation delineation with the system complex and boundary discreteness. 続きを見る


ホウ, オウソウイク
概要: This study mainly focused on the spatial effect on city development. Spatial analysis was conducted to explore the characteristics and correlates of city development, and its impact on environment for cities in China and Japan. The issue of city development was investigated from multiple perspectives. The history of urban development process in China and Japan was summarized, and the correlates with urban development were compared. Meanwhile, the urban heat island of cities in China and Japan were compared 続きを見る


ゴン, チャオ
概要: In integrated circuit design of advanced technology nodes, layout density uniformity significantly influences the manufa cturability due to the CMP variability. In analog design, especially, designers are suffering from passing the density checking since there are few useful tools. To tackle this issue, we focus on a transistor-array(TA)-style analog layout, and propose a density optimization algorithm consistent with complicated design rules. Based on TA-style, we introduce a density-aware layout format to explicitly control the layout pattern density, and provide the mathematical optimization approach. Hence, a design flow incorporating our density optimization can drastically reduce the design time with fewer iterations. In a design case of an OPAMP layout in a 65nm CMOS process, the result demonstrates that the proposed approach achieves more than 48× speed-up compared with conventional manual layout, meanwhile, it shows a good circuit performance in the post-layout simulation. 続きを見る


ズオウ, シュンチャン
概要: This work presents a fully synthesizable stochastic flash A/D converter (SFADC), which can operate at the supply voltage of 0.6V with power consumption as low as 1.5mW at the clock frequency of 250MHz. By employing the all-digital comparator, the SFADC can be described with Verilog netlist and synthesized according to a standard digital design flow. Cross-coupled dynamic comparator structure saves the overall power due to remarkable control of dynamic power consumption. In addition, the rail-to-rail characteristic of comparator and the proposed linearity enhancement technique based on SFADC are proposed, allowing us to design a wide input-range stochastic flash ADC. 続きを見る


ファン , ホァン トゥ タオ
概要: The effectiveness of environmental education activities using a one time environmental education and 6-month workshop approach for elementary school.


オウ, ガ
概要: The research conducted a comparative study on prefabricated buildings and traditional buildings. Firstly, today’s global issue, research background and significance of prefabricated buildings was introduced. This paper also provides a comprehensive survey of the historical and current development of prefabricated buildings in different countries. Then the life cycle assessment methods were investigated, the definition of life cycle analysis methods is clarified, and the advantages and disadvantages of different methods were analyzed. The environmental impact and cost performance were analyzed from the perspective of the building life cycle. In addition, based on different thermal climate zones in Japan, the relationship between the thickness of the insulation material in each zone and the energy consumption of the air conditioning was analyzed. The optimal insulation layer thickness for different thermal zones was given. 続きを見る


ハン, ガクシュウ
概要: The recent increase in rainstorm waterlogging disasters has acutely threatened sustainable urban development in China. T raditional strategy to solve this problem was drainage capacity enhancing project. However, there is a new countermeasure emerged in Chinese cities: “sponge city”, which aims at enlarging the absorption of rainwater by increasing the curves of urban land. This thesis endeavors to make an effectiveness analysis on this new countermeasure from life cycle perspective. A novel framework is built to analyze flood risk control benefit of sponge city by 3D simulating urban inundation result. Finally, we have come to the conclusions that in target area though the assumed sponge city project is not effective from a private perspective, it is effective from a social perspective; by conducting cost-effective analysis between sponge city and traditional countermeasure, sponge city was verified as competitive not only from an economical perspective but also from an environmental perspective. 続きを見る


アマガラン, マグサル
概要: In this research, the impact of global climate change and human activities on Ogii Lake Basin were studied using RS, and GIS. Ogii Lake and Khugshun Orkhon River’s water was classified as clean and slightly polluted water. The most accurate water index for delineating the surface area of Ogii Lake was MNDWI-1(R=0.94, p < 0.01). Evaporation from the lake was estimated using the energy-budget method based on historical reanalysis (ERA5) daily data. Total annual evaporation from Ogii Lake increased steadily over the last three decades; comparing to 1989, annual evaporation increased by 20.02, 25.79, and 32.4 mm in 1999, 2009, and 2019, respectively. Comparison result showed that precipitation is not a main part of the water source for Ogii Lake. The result of the estimated water balance between 2016 and 2019 was demonstrated that both surface and groundwater have a considerable influence on Ogii Lake’s water balance. The GWPZs of Ogii Lake Basin was delineated integrating the AHP and MCDM methods. The highest GWPZs was coincided with deepest part of the lake, where the tectonic fault cross Ogii Lake. 続きを見る


オウ, エン
概要: This study aims to fill such research gaps by understanding the social performance of urban waterfront spaces. Field observation and questionnaire survey were conducted in three urban waterfront spaces in China. The results indicate that the riverside walkway serves as a space for tourism, leisure and entertainment, the results indicate the phenomenon of stratification and agglomeration so that the similar aspects could be merged into the same cluster for consideration in the urban waterfront space planning and design. This study also generates some implications for the renovation of urban waterfront spaces. Overall, this study provides people with basic understanding of the social performance of existing urban waterfront spaces, which can further promote urban planners and designers to comprehensively build sustainable, resilient and healthy water-based living environments. 続きを見る


チョウ, レイテイ
概要: Distributed energy systems can save energy cost, reduce environmental impact and improve the reliability of the power grid. However, its high investment and improper capacity caused poor economic benefits. Moreover, the current evaluation method with a single criterion is relatively simple and one-sided, which cannot reflect the comprehensive benefits of the DES. Therefore, this research proposed a distributed energy system (DES) composed of photovoltaic, energy storage and gas engine, and its grid stabilization and carbon reduction potentials were analyzed. Focusing on these advantages, a multi-criteria evaluation method was established to optimize the system. Finally, different case study scenarios of the DES utilization were demonstrated. It is hoped to improve the core competitiveness of the DES and promote its development. 続きを見る


ユ, タン
概要: This study analyzed the policy effect of demand side management (DSM) and the preference of energy system selection from the technical side and the economic side. The results showed that the promotion and performance improvement of microgrid and air conditioning system are most suitable for the development of DSM. At the same time, the liberalization of electricity market is helpful to the promotion of demand side technology. The research studied the effect of Japan’s “top runner” policy on equipment energy efficiency improvement and analyzed the rebound effect of carbon emissions in the whole life cycle in chapter 4. In chapter 5, the adaptability of different types of buildings under different demand side liberalization degrees was compared. In chapter 6, the correlation analysis of electricity price, the short-term forecast and the influence of different electricity price modes on technical side means were analyzed. 続きを見る


ヨウ, シン
概要: Development is the main problem facing cities in the world today. Urban development is inseparable from the support of l abor. The population movement between regions provides a guarantee for the sustainable development of the city. Therefore, the interactive relationship between urban development and population mobility needs more in-depth research. This research combines official statistics and emerging big data to study the interactive relationship between urban development and population mobility from the macro, meso and micro levels. In addition, with the help of exploratory spatial data analysis methods, the spatial effects between urban development and population mobility can be captured, including spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity. The use of spatial econometric models reveals the driving forces that affect population mobility. The results of the empirical analysis can provide a theoretical reference for the future development of China’s urbanization. 続きを見る


ファム, ミン トゥアン
概要: Heavy metal contamination has become a severe environmental issue, because of the exponential increase in the use of heavy metal compounds in various industrial processes. The occurrence and fate of these contaminants is an important environmental and public health concern. Therefore, the removal of heavy metals from water is a critical challenge that needs to be solved. Beside of these metals, lithium (Li) is known as energy metals, which has surging demands due to increase in the utilization of lithium-ion batteries and other applications. Li is a comparatively rare element, although it is found in many rocks and some brines. Since these concentrations of Li is frequently low, Li is required to concentrate. In this study, separation and concentration of metals using forward osmosis was investigated to compare the electrodialysis as a membrane separation process. 続きを見る


ダオ, ティ ミン グェット
概要: Nitrification performances of moving-bed biofilm reactor were analysed and modelled by feeding surface water in Vietnam and synthetic water in laboratory respectively. The model was composed of the module to express physical properties of the reactor and the module to show the mass transfer and biochemical reactions in a dynamic manner. The rate expressions for ammonia oxidizer, nitrite oxidizer and ordinary heterotrophs were adopted from literature whilst dominant kinetic parameters were experimentally calibrated. 続きを見る


オウ, ショウトウ
概要: This paper has compared the water quality between the Mopanshan Reservoir and Songhuajiang River and applied WQI method to evaluate the water quality of the two drinking water sources and analyzed the characteristic pollutants and pollution sources of the two drinking water sources. 続きを見る


ツァイ, ガンウェイ
概要: The paper selects two types of local sustainable tourism (exhibitions and B&Bs tourism) and conducts two aspects of empirical study (impacts and strategies) with SDGs as the target. First study is impacts study of exhibitions tourism with the SDGs. Second study is the promotion strategies of B&Bs (bed and breakfast) tourism with the SDGs target including Chapter 6, 7 and 8. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, it became significant to study how to improve the B&Bs tourism industry restart and recovery in the future; and the B&Bs tourism industry faced big challenges in improving its green and health strategies. 続きを見る


ソアド, アハメド アブデルマウグッド アハメド
概要: In this Ph.D. thesis, we designed an optical fiber sensor modified with nano-thin films and evaluated its characteristics for the purpose of highly sensitive and selective detection of two important renal biomarkers, ammonia and creatinine. Ammonia and creatinine are important urinary metabolites in the physiological and pathological aspects associated with kidney disease. Accurate detection of these metabolites from urine or exhaled breath is an importance topic in the medical field as a non-invasive diagnostic method. On the other hand, detection of these compounds in exhaled breath or urine samples are generally troublesome due to their very low concentrations, the complexity of the coexisting (matrix) components contained in the samples, and the high humidity. Sophisticated analyzers are expensive, costly, and time consuming, making it difficult to spread as a general-purpose technology. In order to solve these problems, in this thesis, we researched and developed an optical detection system that can easily and quickly detect the renal biomarker, using optical fiber. 続きを見る


キヤム, マウラナ ビヌ スサント
概要: Uncontrolled waste generation has been a continuous problem for environment. Waste bank is an alternative waste management system to reduce waste and improve the local economy. It can be implemented in developing countries where the local government has inadequate capability managing waste. This study has objective to investigate the roles of waste bank enhancing sustainable waste management in Indonesia. This study found that waste bank can encourage the number of waste reductions and benefit their participants in the form of economic value. The various social level did not have significant effect toward the environmental awareness as long as the communities consistent to participate in the activities to protect the environment. The addition of waste banks contributes in reducing emission and cost in waste disposal process to the landfill. Furthermore, effectiveness recognition of waste bank as an additional variable on intention to recycling behavior among waste bank communities has positive impact. 続きを見る


ホァン, アィン ヴィエト
概要: Heavy metals in the water environment, such as arsenic, chromium, lead, zinc, copper, and cadmium, caused great harm to human beings and aquatic organisms. Therefore, removal of the metal ions from wastewater has attracted extensive research interests. In addition, recovery of valuable metals together with removal of toxic metals is considered. Among conventional techniques, adsorption technique becomes one of the alternative treatments, due to high efficiency, low cost, and easy operation. In this study, adsorptive separation of heavy metals from aquatic environment was investigated with three main topics. Firstly, adsorptive removal of arsenic was investigated employing two resins CRB05 with N-methyl-D-glucamine group and Lewatit FO36 with FeOOH group. Secondly, reductive adsorption of Cr(VI) was investigated using coal-based activated carbon. Thirdly, selective adsorption of Pb(II) from aqueous solution containing Pb(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II), was investigated, using chelating resin CR11 with iminodiacetic-acid group, goethite, and magnetite. 続きを見る


チョウ, ケイ
概要: The sampling campaign of atmospheric aerosols was carried out in Kitakyushu, Japan. Secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA) h ad the largest contribution (45%) for total particle mass concentration. Moreover, the reduction of TSO42- concentration showed the relatively large decreasing amount of inorganic aerosol mass concentration (IAM) and the significant increase of aerosol pH, with corresponding fitting equations of yIAM = -12.89x + 10.47x2, and ypH = 0.97x + 0.54x2, respectively (yIAM, ypH, and x presents the IAM variation [μg·m-3], inorganic aerosol pH variation [dimensionless], and concentration reduction ratio (CRR)/100 [dimensionless]). In addition, the exposure of particle-bound heavy metals could exert significant influences on the ecological environment and children’s health; control of ship emissions should be given priority. Overall, our results clearly demonstrate the characteristics of atmospheric particles, providing policy makers with basic and effective ideas for mitigating particle pollution from two perspectives of air quality and human health. 続きを見る


アレクサンダー, ラニ スルヤンドノ
概要: The problem of cooling energy consumption growth occurs globally. Indonesia is one of the areas which show significant i ncrease of cooling energy demands. Focusing on Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, proposed shading devices were simulated to show their performance to improve daylight and reduce cooling energy consumption. The shading design is inspired by Japanese koshi, but using L-shaped aluminum profiles as mini-louvers. The environmental benefit is obtained from improving daylight condition and saving the cooling energy. Several simulations were executed. Attaching L-shaped mini-louvers at the window can lead the Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) to be more than 90. The comparison between electric saving and application cost shows the simple payback period of the simulated sun shadings. Placing the 15 mm × 15 mm L-shaped mini-louvers in the east and west can meet the simple payback period less than a year in both residential and office. 続きを見る


オウ, ルイ
概要: This study introduced a temperature spatial downscaling method based on machine learning algorithm to downscale air temperature from 1 km to 250 m for high-resolution atmosphere urban heat island (UHI) analysis. The core of this downscaling method is to establish the regression model between urban structure and temperature, and then we used the unchanged characteristics of regression models at different scale to predict high-resolution temperature data with high-resolution resolution urban structure, thereby analyzed atmosphere urban heat island. Finally, we compared the similarity and differentiation between atmosphere UHI and surface UHI. The results indicated the following: (1) The machine learning method was proved to be suitable for the air temperature spatial downscaling predication; (2) The UHI characteristics of metropolitan areas in different climatic regions of Japan are different; (3) There are great differences in intensity and spatial distribution between atmosphere UHI and surface UHI is great. 続きを見る


カク, ウコウ
概要: Aiming at the research question of adaptive thermal comfort, this thesis carried out the investigation and simulation study of public buildings with different indoor operation modes in China. By comparing the predicted and actual thermal sensation votes, the comfort level and energy saving potential were evaluated to achieve the building sustainable development. The specific research objectives lie upon five points as following:To probe authentic indoor physical environment and actual thermal comfort for different climate zones in China.To determine occupants' neutral (comfort) temperature, preference temperature and acceptable temperature range in different working conditioned buildings.To explore the human's adaptive regulatory mechanisms in different working conditioned public buildings.To establish the adaptive model of human sensation that in consideration of the specific climatic conditions.To verify the accuracy of recommended models in ASHRAE-55, EN 15251 and Chinese GB/T 50785 comparing to actual working conditions.To establish the adaptive model of human sensation that in consideration of the specific climatic conditions.To verify the accuracy of recommended models in ASHRAE-55, EN 15251 and Chinese GB/T 50785 comparing to actual working conditions. 続きを見る


概要: This research specifically discusses the issue of the domestic water fulfillment in the Indonesian small city. Kota Metro in Lampung Province is taken as the case study area due to its low percentage of the public water service coverage. The main objective is to propose development scenarios to improve the current situation by considering the constraints belong to the city as well as the public preference. The study starts with the elaboration on the current status of the domestic water fulfillment in this city. Then, it is continued with elaborating the public preference on the domestic water utilization, which is conducted through an online and a household survey. The results of these two stages are then used as inputs to formulate the development scenarios. The scenarios are developed under three conditions, which are applying doing business as usual, accelerating pipeline-based water service, and combining pipeline-based and communal-based water service. 続きを見る


ブン, ドウゲン
概要: This paper provides a quantitative assessment of the performance of PV energy policies on PV market development and technological innovation in four PV leading countries, China, Germany, Japan, and the United States of America. The implementation performance of different support policies on PV market growth and PV product cost reduction were examined through a technological learning approach. Following that, residential PV systems and large-scale PV plants in four countries were modeled in the context of current policies. After that, based on the results of the technological learning analysis and techno-economic analysis, the technical and economic performance of PV energy in the four countries was compared. Finally, detailed policy implication was provided in the context of PV energy development in four countries. 続きを見る


ホウ, セツ
概要: This study aims to explore the sustainability performance of urbanization and its environment in the scope of megalopolises in China, based on the proposed assessment system of urban sustainability. That is defined as the ratio of the two dimensions: quality of the built environment and environmental pressure. The quality of the built environment includes urbanization economies, infrastructure development, and urban attraction. With the help of statistical data analysis and geoinformatics methods, the corresponding assessment and spatio-temporal analysis results are obtained using national official statistics. The empirical results of four Chinese major megalopolises (Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong Peninsula and JingJinJi) show that the urban sustainability model is applicable to conveniently combine various analytical methods to help multiple parties reach a common consensus for guiding a reasonable, efficient and sustainable urbanization process. 続きを見る


ヨウ, シン
概要: The indoor thermal environment in the hot summer and cold winter (HSCW) region is the worst in China. Residences in this region are mainly outside-insulated and perform poorly under the intermittent cooling/heating modes in individual rooms. Interior insulation is proposed to be a more suitable way under such usage patterns. Bedrooms of a high-rise residential unit in Chengdu, a typical city in the HSCW region, were retrofitted with interior insulation. Comparative field experiments were performed during the cooling and heating seasons, and the main conclusion can be summarized as follows. Firstly, the retrofitted south bedroom had a good energy-saving effect both in summer and winter. Secondly, the indoor temperature was better controlled in the retrofitted south bedroom, closer to the setpoint. And temperature difference was smaller both horizontally and vertically. Thirdly, the retrofitted south bedroom outperformed the north one in terms of both energy-saving rate and indoor thermal environment. 続きを見る


ゾウ, セツシン
概要: Neural networks have been successfully implemented on various mobile hardware platforms. However, the high computational cost of neural networks, the large difference in computational accuracy with hardware, and the low structural similarity are often obstacles to be overcome in research.This thesis presents the knowledge and research development on the cross-application of neural networks and logic circuits, including an experimental procedure on implementation of multiple look up tables logic, an approximate decomposition method on decomposing larger size look-up tables into smaller individuals and a hardware-aware structured neural network.In summary, the cost of implementing bidirectional interaction between neural networks and logic circuits can be effectively reduced by benefiting from the logic learning capability of neural networks, the decomposition method of large-size look up tables, and the hardware-aware structure of neural networks. 続きを見る


ジュ, ビーフォン
概要: Sustainable campus has become a hot issue of global sustainable development. As an experimental site for continuous exploration of sustainable technologies and concepts, campus will eventually play a vanguard role in achieving the global sustainable development goals (SDGs), so as to gradually promote campus sustainable development to the whole society. All countries carry out sustainable campus according to their own situation, and have successively issued relevant evaluation standards (system) of sustainable campus. Sustainable campus in China and Japan takes "energy saving" as the core, while America takes "environment-friendly" as the core. By comparing the sustainable campus evaluation standards and development characteristics of China, Japan and America, this study carries out in-depth research on the sustainable campus of the three countries, aiming to summarize the experience of sustainable campus construction, optimize the sustainable campus construction in China and Japan, and provide reference for the development of sustainable campus in the world. 続きを見る


グェン, ヴィェト ホアン
概要: The study was aimed at developing an alternative method to catch biodegradable concentrations in municipal wastewater, especially for designing wastewater treatment plants. The weekly and hourly concentrations of influent biodegradable carbonaceous and nitrogenous substances were successfully back-calculated in a dynamic manner using IWA-Activated Sludge Model No. 1 and field-test activated sludge reactors module. The application of the method in predicting blower capacities for biological WWTPs treating very high oxygen demand was also demonstrated. Moreover, the sensitivity of the method was additionally elaborated. 続きを見る