

edited by Thom Brooks
出版情報: Aldershot : Ashgate, c2005
シリーズ名: Philosophers and law
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目次情報: 続きを見る
What is the general will? Gopal Sreenivasan
Universal and general wills : Hegel and Rousseau Arthur Ripstein
Forced to be free John Hope Mason
Reflections on Rousseau : autonomy and democracy Joshua Cohen
Rousseau on proportional majority rule Paul Weirich
Rousseau on agenda-setting and majority rule Ethan Putterman
"To Persuade Without Convincing" : the language of Rousseau's legislator Christopher Kelly
Rousseau and the case for (and against) censorship Christopher Kelly
Rousseau on fundamental law Melissa Schwartzberg
Rousseau's theory of natural law as conditional John B. Noone Jr.
Rousseau's moral realism : replacing natural law with the general will Arthur M. Melzer
Rousseau's Pufendorf : natural law and the foundations of commercial society Robert Wokler
Rousseau in Dworkin : judicial rulings as expressions of the general will Richard Nordahl
Narratives of hierarchy : Loving v. Virginia and the literary imagination Martha Nussbaum
The reemergence of enlightenment ideas in the 1994 French bioethics debates Nan T. Ball
Promise enforcement in public housing : lessons from Rousseau and Hundertwasser Kristen D.A. Carpenter
What is the general will? Gopal Sreenivasan
Universal and general wills : Hegel and Rousseau Arthur Ripstein
Forced to be free John Hope Mason


edited by Thom Brooks and Fabian Freyenhagen
出版情報: London : Continuum, 2005
シリーズ名: Continuum studies in American philosophy
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