

Hamano Takeshi
出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu.  pp.171-183,  2016-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
概要: The family has been the most significant subject of enquiry in sociology over many decades, although the family has been reconstructed by globalization. A sociological theory of globalization must necessarily consider both global integration and local differentiation. For instance, discussions about compressed modernity emphasize the plurality of modernity because of the different historical and cultural contexts of each society. At the local level, the nation-state has continued to play a dominant role in relation to the institutional and ideological construction of the family system. Functions that were hitherto part of the family system are being reconstructed within the global system. This paper reviews recent debates about the transformation of the family in modern Asia in reference to social systems theory, and proposes a theoretical agenda about the reconstruction of the Japanese family today. 続きを見る


濱野, 健
出版情報: 北九州市立大学国際論集.  pp.19-32,  2017-03.  北九州市立大学国際教育交流センター
概要: Taking the elaboration of social systems theory into account, this paper aims to explore the ways in which the family today can be theorized in social theory. As a result of the functional differentiation of the process of modernization, the family, as a distinctive functional system, has been given quite particular meanings. In relation to other self-referential social systems and the structural couplings and communications through them, it may also be necessary for the theory to involve a wider range of family organizational patterns while remaining a space wherein intimacy is maintained. The functional approach to the family of Niklas Luhman's social systems theory will account for a radical model of the family. If the family today must be investigated with consideration to its wider dynamic relationships (or communications) with other social components beyond regional or spatial limits in the age of globalization, his theoretical elaboration can be further investigated in that it redefines social systems theory by drawing attention to the alternative traits of modernizations in our society. 続きを見る