

Reader, Rosemary ; Sameshima, Chiaki ; Yukimaru, Naomi ; Williamson, Rodger ; Creaser, Fiona ; Kihara, Kenichi
出版情報: 北九州市立大学外国語学部紀要.  pp.1-10,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学外国語学部
概要: This paper lays out the fundamental concepts behind the project “Diversity Hub for All” as well as an overview of the ac tion plan to be taken. This will be a hub for the university and the city wherein both can reap the rich benefits that result from inclusivity. This would be open not only to those directly affiliated with the university (staff, students, the members of the new adult college) but also eventually to those that live within the surrounding community adding a greater depth to the pre-existing diversity present on campus. It is hoped that our students can benefit from the opportunity to not only embrace their own personal diversities but also embrace the wide spectrum of diversity that exists among all. 続きを見る


クリーサー, フィオナ ; 雪丸, 尚美
出版情報: 北九州市立大学外国語学部紀要.  pp.11-22,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学外国語学部
概要: The project “Unity in Diversity: Inspiring Future Generations” was born out of the idea of creating a more equitable and inclusive student body within the University of Kitakyushu. The short-term aim of the project is to create a course initially for students of the English Department to teach them about diversity and inclusion, the long-term aim is to open the course to all students in the university. The course is accompanied by a bilingual (English/Japanese) workbook which can be easily adapted to suit all levels of English language ability. In addition to the workbook the authors are creating a pre-teacher training manual for students taking the teacher training course. This article specifically reports the summary of the first year of the project. 続きを見る