

Chowdhury, Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  48  pp.23-52,  2021-03.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: Financial scandals in the 21st century in Japan have shown that independent auditing firms do not always fulfill their duties. News headlines of recent years have contained increasingly frequent reports of corporate scandals. Corporate scandals include financial irregularities which are related to the accounting records, falsification of transactions, the misuse of accounting principles and others financial activities. Reducing corporate financial irregularity is an important task, especially given its negative impacts on; production, trust within a corporation, shareholders, the quality of service provision, investment and trade, employees and finally, economies. This research describes the largest financial scandal in recent Japanese corporate history, involving the Nissan Motor Company. According to Nissan, Carlos Ghosn had been systematically under-reporting his earnings to security regulators and misusing company assets for personal benefit. 続きを見る


Chowdhury, Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  49  pp.45-83,  2021-10.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: This paper is a study of higher education for human resource development (HRD), how it has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and is being attention through innovative strategies in Japan. The expansion of compulsory education and a rise in high-school and university enrollment rates have contributed to economic growth in the postwar period. HRD is essential to Japan’s national economic plan and policies despite the country’s lack of natural resources. HRD imparts attitudes, knowledge, sensitivities, and skills though education. Educational institutions have well developed, and developing, curriculums, teaching, learning and research which provide (new) employees with everything they need for their careers and life in general. However, the country has been facing and continues to faces several challenges. First, Japan has a declining 18 years old population, and second, is struggling with student recruitment, with nearly 40 percent of universities and colleges being unable to reach their capacities or quotas (teiin), a situation different from that of many other countries. Under these circumstances, the country needs useful and capable human resources with fundamental knowledge and skills who can lead the society. The Japanese government have introduced several reforms to find solutions to tackle these problems. This paper is a study of Japan’s higher education system and a discussion on Education Development, Trends, Issues, Reforms and Innovative Strategies in Education for Human Resources that have surfaced out of the COVID-19 pandemic. 続きを見る


Chowdhury, Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  49  pp.31-55,  2022-03.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: This paper provides an overview of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) situation of the automotive industry in some Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries where enforced lockdowns and social restriction have come with real human costs in the areas of economic development. The COVID-19 state of the ASEAN automobile industry will be explained by putting into global context, including the strategy of beyond COVID-19. In general, COVID-19 has likely to affected the automotive industry in production, markets and supply chain. There is production in ASEAN markets that is mainly based on assembly of imported completely-knocked-down (CKD). The distinct effects of COVID-19 on automobile production, sales and export within the ASEAN region. This paper examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ASEAN in the automotive industry. The goal is to provide a comprehensive view of importance of automobile industry, examine strategies impact on the recent pandemic, and provide a picture of where the industry is headed, particularly in light of the increasing importance of both production and consumption in ASEAN nations. 続きを見る


Chowdhury, Mahbubul Alam
出版情報: 北九州市立大学法政論集.  50  pp.31-56,  2022-10.  北九州市立大学法学会
概要: The rapid development of China’s automobile industry has raised concerns about the country’s energy crisis, environmenta l pollution, and bottleneck of sustainable development. Under these conditions, the automobile industry introduced new technologies in automobile manufacturing. Therefore, the development of multi-energy, highly efficient, and environmentally friendly new energy vehicles (NEVs) has become the focus of the automobile industry’s development. NEVs include hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs); plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs); battery electric vehicles (BEVs) or electric vehicles (EVs); and fuel cell vehicles or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). This paper will provide a brief overview of the problems involved in the development of EVs. The main problem with EVs is their large battery size, heavyweight, and high cost. The paper contains suggestions and assumptions made by implementing frugal technology to reduced materials, resources used in the production of an EV. The ultimate goal is to reduce costs and bring affordable mass production to markets. It also predicts the future development trend of EVs in China. 続きを見る